Miele is one of the #BlogTourCGN sponsors and I will have the pleasure of meeting with Miele executives during my trip to IMM Cologne International Furniture Fair as a member of the #BlogTourCGN Team. I look forward to learning as much as I can about the Miele Steam Oven and all of their other amazing products that I have grown to love over the last 20 plus years I have spent in the Kitchen and Bath industry as a Kitchen Specialist.
I digress, lets get back to Miele's crowning glory ~
The Miele Steam Oven!
Unlike conventional ovens, which use hot air to cook, the Miele Steam Oven uses "fresh steam" to cook, displacing the oxygen responsible for chemical reactions which dissipates nutrients in food. In the Miele Steam Oven, steam is generated in water outside the oven. Steaming with an external steam generator not only provides gentle cooking, but will not dehydrate the outer layers of food. Steam ovens which generate steam inside the oven can cause overheating within the oven atmosphere. Additionally a dry, aggressive heat often emerges during the preheating phase. The Miele Steam Oven features a powerful steam generator which delivers a superior balance of heat and
moisture. This combination delivers evenness and consistent results on all shelf levels.
moisture. This combination delivers evenness and consistent results on all shelf levels.
The Miele exact temperature control system measures and controls the temperature in the oven assuring the right combination of time and temperature, regardless of the amount of food being prepared. For instance the required steam setting for peas is 212°F for five minutes – whether fresh, frozen or a mix of both, in 2 or 10 ounces. This electronically controlled steaming process virtually eliminates the possibility of overcooking.
The Miele Steam Oven is ideal for cooking more than just vegetables. “Steaming is a fabulous way to retain vital nutrients,” explained Christine Avanti, nutritionist and author. “The benefit of steaming is the ability to gently cook food at a low heat thus retaining nutrients and palatability, whether cooking meats, poultry, fish – even desserts.”
Featuring four shelves that fit a variety of stainless steel trays, the Miele Steam Oven allows users to easily prepare an entire meal – from appetizers to desserts in one oven. Flavor transfer is eliminated as pressurized convection steam creates a protective layer around the food, ensuring your salmon tastes like salmon and desserts stay sweet and delicious, all while cooking simultaneously.
~photo credit Miele